Friday, August 12, 2011

We made it here!

The last 2 weeks have been a bit crazy for us!

But we are here in Fayetteville Arkansas! God is so faithful and there are so many little details of our story that I am going to unfold and share about in the next couple of blog posts,  but there is too much to just write it all down now.

This week we have been planning for this semester and getting ready for the craziness of the first 6 weeks here at the University of Arkansas. We have learned that the first 6 weeks are a key time in "winning" students whether it be sitting down and sharing with them about how to know God personally, getting them into a bible study on campus, or forming a discipleship relationship with them.

We are so blessed and thankful for everyone that has partnered with us and chosen to invest in our ministry for this next year. We have continued to feel your prayers and your support in the craziness of these last two weeks!

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