Thursday, May 5, 2011

Arkansas Adventures

Ever since we got married in September of this past year we have both been praying that God would use us, that he would use our personal stories and life experiences to help others and that we would find careers that we would being using our gifts and abilities to better the world that we live in. Michael had been working at Marvel and I have been working retail and we both were feeling discontent in our jobs. 

We have never experienced Gods perfect timing more than in the past couple of months. Around this time of feeling discontentment we received a call from the Campus Crusade director at the University of Arkansas campus. He expressed a desire to start a media team and that their campus needed more women to disciple girls.

To make a long story short we are now officially a part of University of Arkansas Campus Crusade team! We are raising our support for the next three months and then moving our to Arkansas in August of this year!

This week we are in Arkansas doing a vision trip and we get to be apart of the planning for next year and we are so excited with what God is going to do on campus next year! 

A huge blessing in us moving is that we get to be so very close to my two sisters. Marisa and Jon are on full time staff with Campus Crusade also and Jen and Ben live just an hour and a half away.

On our way out here we stopped and got to see one of my childhood friends from Thailand and her cute daughter! Loved catching up with you Kristen!

If anyone would like to come and visit us next year allegiant air has great ticket prices. :-)

Loving my new little nephew. This is my first time meeting him. He smells so good and he loves to cuddle. I am one happy auntie.
Hayley is just a character and has so much spunk! Loving seeing her personality form at this age. She also loves to snuggle. 
Collin is growing up so quickly. He is in kindergarten and he is just so smart already. He is definitely all boy.
Uncle Michael has been enjoying reading books and telling stories and jumping on the trampoline with his nieces and nephews too. Here he is reading them a night time Bible story adding in his different voices. I love the kids faces and how they are so into it. 
Good night kisses for Aunt Bethany.

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