Friday, May 6, 2011

Team Planning

We wanted to take a trip out to Arkansas to see more of the campus, meet some of our team members, and research our housing for next year. After we had booked our trip we found out that the exact same time we were going to be here was also the same time that our team was going to be doing all the planning for next year!

We have loved getting to hear about what they did this year in their ministry on campus and being able to help plan and help with goals for next year. We totally feel that God wanted us to be here so that we will be able to share more effectively with our friends and family who desire to be apart of our support team about the ministry on campus because we have been here this week.

Us all doing a project in our meetings today. 
Our staff lunch at a Mexican restaurant in the sunshine!
Our car stalled today and so we were stuck on the side of the road for a while and so thought it would be a great picture opportunity. 
Ben and Jenny came down for the night tonight and we are so happy to get some extra time with them! Wish it could be for longer. :-(

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